Saturday 31 March 2012

Football Team Photos - Key Stage 3 - Year 7 to Year 9

Back row (L - R) Chris P, Gavin R, Max E, Adam I, Joseph B, Lewis B, Ben C
Front row (L - R) Lewis R, Jordan R, Jack BC, Rhodri C, Bradley W (C), Will S, Joe G

Back row (L - R) Ryan C, Dan S, Callum G, Caleb G, Kai W, Taylor S (C), Joe F, Josh P
Front row (L - R) Joey T, Todd B, Jordan W, Harry S, Luke C, Will B (C), Lukas H, Mitchell P, Joe P, Jack A

Back row (L - R) Tom C, Luke P, Alex B, Will H, Alex D, Dan F
Front row (L - R) Callum D, Liam P, Ben Sawyer (C), Kyle S, James S
Missing - Ryan B, Joe S

Football Season Summary - 2012

Football Season Summary 2012

Congratulations to all the teams for another successful season. Here are the awards as nominated by both Teachers and players

Year Seven

A good start for the Year 7 team which played well in patches throughout the season. Some consistency is now needed to progress and improve next year

Most influential player – Lewis Bailey

Most improved player – Chris Palmer

Captain’s player of the Season –

Captains – Bradley Woolford/Adam Inkpin

Year Eight

The Year 8 team steadily improved over the course of the season and registered good performances against Devizes, Grittleton, Sheldon, Malmsbury and Corsham

Most influential player – Harry Spanton

Most improved player – Kai Workman

Captain’s player of the Season – Luke Child

Captains – Taylor Snell/ Will Baugley   

Year Nine

Again, the Year 9 team steadily improved and really started to look and play like a team towards the end of the season

Most influential player – Ben Sawyer

Most improved player – Dan Foster

Captain’s player of the Season – Luke Palfrey

Captain – Ben Sawyer

Year Ten

An outstanding Season – Played 7, Won 5 – well done

Most influential player – Jack Young

Most improved player – Shane Lawerence

Captain’s player of the Season – Toby Scriven

Captains – Jake Brand/ Harry Boakes

Special mention must go to all the captains. They have been nothing short of outstanding in terms of organising and checking the team and setting up the pitches. Without their help, it would have made our life much harder in Boys PE!

Outstanding Team of the Year – Year Ten Squad

Undefeated leading into game 5, and then lost narrowly to Malmsbury. The quality of the team shone through in the game against Corsham; after being reduced to ten men they worked hard as a team and held out for a 1-0 win

Again congratulations to all the players who have played to the best of their ability this year. Further information will be available shortly regarding the up and coming Football Season.

Mr Ferguson, Mr Witts and Mr Hamill

Ski 2013 Italy update

The trip opened on the 12th March with 40 places available. These places were taken in a record 12 days. Another 7 places were made available and have also been taken.

We are now currently holding a reserve list, which 5 students are now on.

Please hand in your reply slip (without the deposit) or see Mr Ferguson if you would like your name placed on the reserve list. There maybe a possibility that further paces will become availble when we communicate with our ski company after the Easter term.

Mr Ferguson

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Ski 2013 Italy update

The trip has been open since last Monday 12th March and 20 places have currently gone. There are only 20  places left so please collect a letter or speak to Mr Ferguson, Mr Bouchard, Mrs Hitt or Mr Wicks ASAP

Thursday 1 March 2012

8J1 Freerunning

The 3 best circuits from what was a very good lesson
Rio Chalmers

Jordan Masson

Ed Summers