The JBS Ski Trip - Easter 2013

Update 26th Feb 2013

Letters will soon be sent to parents with confirmed details for 22nd March 2013 - Departure day

Please also be aware that your son or daughter needs to bring into school their passport and EHIC card so they can be photo copied and securely stored. This will happen on the morning of March 18th in PDT.

Update 7th Feb 2013

Hoodies have arrived and have been issued to every student. Details to follow soon about departure times and plans for departure day on 22nd March

Update - 19th Dec 2012

On the last night of each ski trip we try to hold a fancy dress evening within the hotel or local town. This year’s theme will be ‘cowboys and Indians’. Please pass this message onto your son or daughter.

We have also had an update concerning the spa evening at the Bormio spa which will involve sauna’s, Jacuzzis, steams rooms, a large pool and other treatments; all students (and teachers) are required to wear a swimming hat. I have therefore purchased enough hats for each student, which they may wish to personalise once we are in Italy. Students though may wish to bring their own swimming hat. Students are required to bring normal swimming kit for this evening activity and do not have to wear specific clothing like a swim suit or speedos. 

Below is a reminder of key dates for your diary that was sent out on the previous letter.
Friday 18th January 2013 – This is the final payment deadline for the 2013 trip. If you are unable to meet this deadline, again please do not hesitate to contact me at school. 
Friday 1st March 2013 –The provisional date for ski hoodies to be distributed to pupils. Hoodies have been ordered and personalised.
Monday 18th March 2013 – all passports and EHIC cards to be handed into school for photocopying and storage. Please place the passport and EHIC in a sealed, named envelope.
Friday 22nd March 2013 – Departure day. A provisional departure time of 1.30pm has been set, which will be confirmed in the New Year. Pupils tend to leave school at break time to spend time at home preparing for the journey.

You can now make payments for this trip online at the following address.


Update 10th December 2012
The vote has been counted and the theme for fancy dress on the last night of the trip will be 'Cowboys and Indians'

Make sure you come prepared!

Update - 4th December 2012

There will be a meeting for Y11 students attending this trip on Monday 10th December in L15 in morning PDT

Update - 20th November 2012

17 weeks to go!!

Update - 27th September 2012
The Ski Trip parents evening is next Tuesday - 9th October at 6pm in the main hall. If you are unable to make this evening, please contact me at school and I will send through all relevent infomation.
S Ferguson
Update - 2nd July 2012

Check out the new (ish) pictures of the Bormio Piste map and the Girasole hotel resturant

Update - 26th June 2012

The votes have been counted and the colour of the hoodie will be Red with a Grey inner hood. Please see the picture below

Fire Red/Artic White

Update - 18th June 2012

All paperwork has now been completed and returned to staff - thank you for completing this on time.

A voting count for hoodies will be made on Wednesday 20th June after staff have had their vote!

Just to reiterate that the trip is over subscribed - 47 pupils have signed up. We currently have 3 students on the reserve list.

Please do not worry if your (your son or daughters) passport has or is about to expire - you have plenty of time to renew.

Update - 3rd April 2012

The JBS Ski Trip 22nd March 29th March 2013 – Bormio, Italy

Confirmation Letters have been sent, with a payment card and additional information. All information can also be downloaded below (except the payment) card, completed and returned to school ASAP

Mr Ferguson

Update 26th March 2012

Ski 2013 Italy update

The trip opened on the 12th March with 40 places available. These places were taken in a record 12 days. Another 7 places were made available and have also been taken.

We are now currently holding a reserve list, which 3 students are now on.

Please hand in your reply slip (without the deposit) or see Mr Ferguson if you would like your name placed on the reserve list. There maybe a possibility that further paces will become available when we communicate with our ski company after the Easter term.

Mr Ferguson

Please check out the video of Girasole 2000 which is where we will be staying again in 2013.

Please download the full letter using the link below