Tuesday 19 June 2012

Update - 26th June 2012

Y8 has been moved from Tuesday 3rd July to Friday 13th July - P3 and P4
Y9 has been moved from Monday 2nd July to Thursday 5th July due to the Y9 rewards trip
Team sheets and rules will be issued to captains this week.

Rules are as follows

Softball House Matches 2012
Basic rules of softball

1.      You can be caught out at any time (even on a foul ball) or run out at a base

2.      The ball must be hit within the diamond (first bounce must be within the diamond) to constitute a ‘fair ball’. If the ball is hit right of first base, and left of third base (or behind) then it is a ‘foul ball’

3.      You must not run into home base if another team mate is waiting – the player running from third base will be out

4.      Bowler must bowl underarm and be in the bowling circle

5.      The bowler must bowl the ball between the shoulder and knee of the batter, and down the middle section of ‘home base’. Failure to do this will constitute a ‘ball’

6.      4 balls or being hit by the bowler constitutes a free walk

7.      If the ball is bowled correctly, and the batter misses the ball entirely then this is a strike.

8.      3 strikes and you are out – a batsman cannot get out on a foul ball unless caught

9.      You can run between bases on a strike, but not a ‘ball’ or a ‘foul ball’

10. Once the ball has become dead (past the line at first or third base) runners cannot run to a new base

11. A point will be awarded for every player who reaches ‘home base’

Rules specific to the house matches

1.      9 fielders with a maximum of 2 reserve players who can sub at any time during the game (injury, tactics etc).

2.      These two players cannot be subbed back into the same game.

3.      Each team will have 2 – 3 innings to try and win the game (30 minute games maximum)

4.      The innings will end when 3 batters are out.

5.      If you are out you can still bat.

6.      Benefit of doubt concerning ‘outs’ will always go to the batting team.

7.      Arguing and/or excessive poor language could result in extra points, and may lead to players being removed, banned or games being awarded to the other team.

8.      The batting order must remain the same throughout the entire game.

9.      You are allowed to declare your innings over. This will enable you to win a game if time is short

Softball and Rounders House matches dates

Year 7 - Friday 6th July P2 and P3
Year 8 - Tuesday 3rd July P3 and P4
Year 9 - Monday 2nd July P3 and P4
Year 10 - Wednesday 11th July P1 and P2

Captains and rules to be annouced in the next week

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