Tuesday 4 December 2012

Rugby Season Summary 2012

Rugby Season Summary 2012


Congratulations to all the teams for another successful season, although the fixture list has been decimated by poor light and bad weather.


Year Seven

Well done to the year seven team who beat Malmsbury in their first game – the first year seven team to do this

Most influential player – Harry Clarke

Most improved player – Liam Braddick

Captain – Harry Clarke


Year Nine/ Eight Combined

This team has made steady progress and are showing some real signs of potential when they merge with next year’s first team

Most influential player – Jamie Cooper

Most improved player – George Stephenson

Captain – Jamie Cooper


First XV

The Y11/10 team have been nothing short of outstanding in terms of their commitment and energy. The senior players have led extremely well during training and games. These awards could have gone to any number of the team

First XV most influential player – Casey Lines/ Charlie Brown

First XV most improved player – Alex Green/ Matt Snudden

Captain – Alex Wetton


Again congratulations to all the players who have played to the best of their ability this year.


The football season begins on Tuesday 11th December for all year groups – 3.30pm to 4.30pm


Mr Ferguson, Mr Witts and Mr Hamill

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